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Newsletter 2021

Foto van schrijver: Decision Neuroscience LabDecision Neuroscience Lab

At the end of each year, we stand still at our initiatives, achievements, and lessons learned in a newsletter. Here is our recap of 2021. Highlights include:

Interdisciplinary research projects: Pietro Ortolani (Faculty of Law) and Sarah Vahed (Donders Institute) are developing a research line investigating psychological and legal decision-making regarding social media and online content.

Policy Outreach: We were selected to present at the Dag van het Gedrag 2021, hosted by the Behavioural Insights Network Nederland.

Interviews and Podcast: Our interviews with Jana Vyrastekova (Nijmegen School of Management) and Erik Bijleveld (Behavioural Science Institute) can be found on our website—also, the release of our Split Decision: The Decision Science Podcast.

Smartphone App: In collaboration with Esther Aarts (Donders Institute) and Harold Bekkering (Donders Institute), we are in the early stages of developing a smartphone app to bring decision tips and tools to a broad audience.

Research Opportunities: A key goal of the Center is to be visible throughout the Netherlands and Europe as a hub for decision research. For example, we have been invited to participate in an extensive and exciting RCT field study led by the Hogeschool van Amsterdam on the impact of unconditional cash transfers on low-income participants.


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