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Newsletter 2022

Foto van schrijver: Decision Neuroscience LabDecision Neuroscience Lab

At the end of each year, we stand still at our initiatives, achievements, and lessons learned in a newsletter. Here is our recap of 2022. Highlights include:

Interdisciplinary research projects: (1) Lisa Rosenberger’s research on digital societies, examining how (and why) we sometimes trust online systems and sometimes do not. The project lies at the intersection of philosophy, computer science, law and psychology. (2) Kevin Raaphorst (Nijmegen School of Management) centre generated collaborative research as a part of the NWA-funded BENIGN project. (3) Mandy Peggen’s project is at an intersection of several disciplines in an effort to investigate the impact of excessive urban heat on decision-making, health, and well-being.

New grant to collaborate with the Gemeente Nijmegen: We have recently been awarded the European Commission grant to develop a collaboration between the Center and Gemeente Nijmegen in the area of environmental sustainability. 

Expert seminars: Center investigators discuss recent cutting-edge research with an audience of policy specialists. The goal is for policy experts to be informed about state-of-the-art decision-making research and to discuss how these empirical insights could be implemented into policy.

Dag van het Gedrag: Our centre was again selected to present at the annual event hosted by Behavioural Insights Network Nederland. 

Interviews and Podcasts: We are excited to share additional interviews and podcasts with decision experts working across academia, policy and practice. Find the links in the newsletter below. 



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